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Logic pro x tutorial hip hop free
Logic pro x tutorial hip hop free
In this article, you are going to learn the 7 tips to mix Hip Hop and Rap music in your home studio. Read all the 7 tips to transform your hip-hop mix like a pro. In our career as a mix engineers, we encounter several different types of music genres and tastes.
And whenever we try to mix a new genre, we start wondering how to tackle a genre that I never mixed before. Each genre has its style and techniques of mixing. Hip-Hop is not an exception. When it comes to Hip-Hop or rap, the picture that we create in our mind is singers and rappers with long t-shirts loose pants and jewelry.
Today Rap and hip hop are some of the most popular genres in the world. So, in your life as a mixing engineer, you will encounter this genre, no matter whatever language you are working in. Rap and hip hop are everywhere. But before digging into the topic first check out these articles which will give you a few extra tips for successful music mixing.
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Read more about Affiliate disclosure here. If we keep instrumental songs aside then vocals are the heart of all genres. And when it comes to Rap and Hip Hop genre, the vocal is very crucial.
In Hip Hip and rap genres, the lyrics are the life of the song, it should be clear to listen to, otherwise, you will ruin it. After vocals, kick and snare are the most important things to balance. As a result, when we want to amplify the track, clipping occurred on one side. In the last section, I have given a hint about clipping. Clipping is the enemy of a good mix engineer. You should always save your mixes from clipping. Clipping is a sudden increase in the intensity of sound in the tracks which cross the 0dB borderline of the mix and even the 4dB headroom.
The result — is a bad mix with a cracking sound. Rap and hip hop are famous for experiments. You can experiment with your instruments even vocals to serve some unique to your audience. One of those techniques is chopping. In this technique, you need to add tremolo and other similar effects to cut and chop the audio waves. This effect sounds cool. So you should experiment with this effect.
I use Logic Pro X to mix Rap and hip hop as it has sufficient plugins to add some cool effects on the track. The other cool effect you can use in your hip-hop track is flip and reverse. These can be done manually or with the help of plugins. As from the name, flip effect flips the sound clip and reverse will reverse the sound clip. However, they look like very simple effects, when you put them properly on the track, I bet they will transform it.
Pro mix engineers correctly use these simple effects to produce world-class music. You can do it too…If you have a good knowledge of tempo, bars, beats, and melody. Try RP Reverse. Well, in Rap and hip hop we should use it generously otherwise we can destroy our track. Using delay wisely on the track helps produce a good mix. RP Delay is easy to use but one of the best delay effect plugins. Try RP Delay. In parallel processing, we duplicate the tracks and mix them with the original tracks after applying some cool effects to the duplicated tracks.
We can go one step further by panning original and duplicate tracks left and right and applying automation to the track. Well, you have now 7 new techniques to mix rap and hip hop songs. Use them on your tracks and you will see how your tracks will be transformed from an ordinary mix to a pro mix. S: I always use tremolo, stereo delay, and chopper on my tracks.
You can do some experiments with these cool plugins and experience the transformation. There are several ways to EQ hip-hop music. Hip-Hop is a vocal-based genre so you should keep vocals up, than other instruments. And, keep the mid frequencies Hz to 3kHz up. You can experiment while mixing low-end hip-hop songs.
Such as, splitting bass through panning is a great way to put vocals in front of the listeners. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Table of Contents. How Should I EQ hip-hop music? How do I mix hip-hop voices?
How do I mix low-end hip-hop? Gautam Roy. Gautam Roy is a recording engineer and a blogger from India. He loves music, writing, and travelling. He is also an active investor and a successful entrepreneur.
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